Thursday, 1 December 2011

BBC2: Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Features Robert Kiyosaki and T Harv Eker the new wealth Super Gurus

I aint hating on those who what got get some money or grind but please! As I take a break and some time out before the next Chrissy Lampkin and Kimbella bust off - my favourite show Love and Hip Hop I'm back to some other TV, I came across the BBC's Who Wants to be a Millionaire? It's on BBC2.

Don't pay for a course and just watch this. It's enough to grasp with out paying lots of cash. It also features the new kid in town Robert Kiyosaki and T Harv Eker.   It gives a good insight into both Robert Kiyosaki and T Harv Eker views and has some clips from their seminar. Robert Kiyosaki gives basic advice coated in lots of motivational speak. T Harv Eker is more vague about his but I guess it has a nice feel factor to it. To quote the programme/show it says "It features renowned American wealth gurus Robert Kiyosaki and T Harv Eker, as well as a selection of their British followers, the film examines whether anyone can get rich if they truly apply themselves."

Now you know in addition to the lovely Chrissy Lampkin, Kimbella and the love and hip hop crew, I'm going to be following this show too!

However my bitching and review isn't about him -  about the whole industry and those who chose to overdose on it. They need a bit of a reality check but I guess if it weren't wealth seminars taking their cash it will be something else.

My Bitch Rant and Rave

This Who Wants to be a Millionaire? show is about the lucrative wealth programming market. Now the reason why I said I wasn't hating was because the only people that get money of these programs are the wealth coach. It's such a sorry a$$ situation. Seriously poor people wanting to be rich without putting in any effort part with some cash or a lot of cash to see attend these courses or wealth seminars that promise them unlimited wealth. They are seriously addictive and can be as powerful as drugs. These wealth seminars can easily be called classed a unphysical wealth narcotic.

To be balanced the BBC will show you two sides - those who have made money (mainly by investing in real estate/property market or becoming wealth coaches) and those who are really slaving away in debt and rubbish jobs to pay for these courses. It's a really difficult thing but people need to be honest with themselves and a lot of these people are self-delusional but you don't really want to rain on their parade.

To be fair before the bubble burst the quickest way to get rich was to invest in real estate or the  property market so none of those who are successful have done anything else in a business sense. Even banks were on to this before the toxic loan market thing happened. So it will be interesting to see if these guys are still as wealthy as they were before the economic crisis. Investing in property/real estate and shares require no real skills. No matter what anyone says it's really luck and common sense.  Over all land and property mostly increase but there will be some dips. A land or property is not worth anything if it's not bringing in an income - you might even be paying rates on it. 

Let me back up here from those who say they know people who have made cash from it. Yes, there will always be a few people do follow those principles and will get wealthy - but it's not just a bunch of affirmations and firm belief that will get you there. There are other factors involved. But the people that go are so desperate and needy that instead of spending money on a course or something to better themselves they will spend their hard earned cash on this rubbish.

I'm not one for the prosperity gospel movement but I think it's probably a bit healthier and cheaper to attend a church like that than to spend on wealth seminars. Then again it's the same gullible people who throw money at some preacher man.

The bottom line is that people what something for nothing and will pay lots of money to confirm that believe that. There is unlimited wealth but you have to find a way to harness it be it with skills or ideas repackage and sell it to others. You need to do what these wealth coaches are doing. They are only rich from selling ideas to others. Simple ideas that are really common sense. I do like the whole showmanship of it. I like the talk and high motivation aspect but in the end that is all it is. Entertainment. You step outside into the real world after attending one of these shows and after a while the effect wears off.

Louis Theroux (I love the guy!) covered it on his Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends television documentary series; it is called Hypnosis and it's worth watching.

Why is it always the same sort of people. I'm not saying no one will be successful doing these gimicks wealth seminars - hey I was taken in by the whole Anthony Robbins thing. But the guy is just a good salesman telling me what I want to know or hear. Some people will win the lottery just like some people will get money from these schemes but in the end the only person who really gets money is the wealth seminars coaches and even they have to have a good talent for selling as not all of them are that successful at it.

Last word

I can't leave without some good words so this is it -  good coaching program I can recommend for free is the Tools to Life. Check it out on

Read books biographies about successful people - don't read authorised versions as they tend to honey coat things. Read the unathorised versions. Read about real success and leave the wealth seminars alone. Attend business events.

The real way but not guaranteed.

  1. Have your dream and vision of how you will achieve this.
  2. Write down steps in order to do this
  3. Do some research and seek out others - this may be just looking at what they are doing (it does not mean talking to them).
  4. Get some training if you need - an evening class or something - not wealth coach or seminar.
  5. If you feel you need to be accountable then maybe just maybe get a life-coach but someone with experience in what you want and evaluate their feedback.
  6. Start small - maybe a stall, selling door to door.
  7. There will be a time when you have to make a decision or see if it's what you want to do. When I started my business I realised I didn't really want to be cold calling and I also wasn't prepared to do what some clients wanted. Some of us are born entrepreneurs or business people. Others just wanted a job. These are on different levels remember that some of the most highly people in the world are employed or working for someone else. These included huge corporation CEOs - they are employed too. It's not a bad thing. Equally its not a bad thing to run your own business. We all are different!
  8. And remember the three Ps persistence, patience and perseverance.
  9. If you don't try you never know!

If you must do these wealth seminars do have a tally of how they are paying dividends in your life. Make it accountable - don't be like a child in a sweet shop or candy shop. Do one and take time out to see how it rewards you before you get sold the next. It's addictive for people to attend these wealth seminars because they get on a high and always want to hear more until one day they get so disillusioned, bitter and depressed but that is often after parting with thousands and thousands of dollars and pounds - the Internet is full of such people letting their hatred flow.

So do the courses but take breaks and see how they pay dividend or reward you in real life. Don't do one then hop unto the next always looking for the next wealth fix.

Other reviews you can read but I don't go to into details

BBC Business

Guardian Newspaper

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